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Services Available


Psychotherapy for Young People, Individuals and Couples. 

Clients of all ages commonly come with concerns regarding: anxiety, fear, depression, relationships difficulties, divorce issues, mid-life crisis, stress, post traumatic stress, bereavement, coping with strong feelings, anger management, phobias, eating disorder, addiction, physical/psychological abuse, bullying, low confidence and self-esteem, parenting, difficulties in school, college or at university, sex, sexuality and gender issues. Please note that this list is by no means exhaustive.


Following an initial assessment, together we decide upon your therapy need. This will be to attend sessions weekly or fortnightly for a period of time. Appointments may be a fixed time in the week, however, there is flexibility for those on shift work.


Skype/Facetime or Zoom sessions also available.

Educational Supervision for Private or Public Services: Individual, Group, Organisational

This is a bespoke opportunity for those working in educational settings and is designed for singular or ongoing 1:1 sessions or Group. This may appeal to those practitioners in private practice visiting students’ homes, Supply Teachers in school and Lecturers working in Colleges or Universities.


The provision of Education today can be a very stressful environment and often there is nowhere to express this or explore the impact on you as the person and practitioner. Within the confidential environment of Educational Supervision/CPD you can receive support, debrief from your experience, gain self-awareness and understanding. Following this you can explore strategies for coping and ideas to implement for yourself and in your work setting. If attending a group this can become an ongoing support resource with other practitioners.


Parenting Support.

(School age upwards)

Being a parent can be a very tricky experience and children do not come with an instruction manual. Parents are then left with repeating strategies that were used for them, doing the opposite or left not knowing what to do and if co-parenting may argue due to differences.


The provision of Parenting Support is designed for singular or ongoing 1:1 sessions. This provides within the confidential environment, an opportunity for parents to gain support and debrief from your experience. Parenting can be explored, self-awareness gained, and bespoke strategies introduced for your child.


Corporate Support and Development for Individuals and Groups with Emphasis on Maintaining Health and Well-Being

This bespoke support and development is with individuals and or groups within your organisation. The method is collaborative and uses difference and diversity as a powerful resource. The aim is to enable individuals to maximise their potential within your organisation whilst supporting their health and well being.

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